Exam Codes

Exam Closing Dates:
The last date of entry for the June session is February 21st. The last date of entry for the Autumn session is August 16th. Entries and amendments are accepted up until April 17th and October 11th respectively but will be subject to penalty fees charged by CIE.
Always check the details below with the syllabus details in your student file. Your exam centre will inform you of the exam dates and times when registration takes place. Always check all the details on your entry statement to ensure you are aware of any timetable changes.


Exam Codes Summer 2019:

Accounting: 0452 option code AX

Paper 1 

Paper 2 


Biology: 0610 option code for core GX

Paper 1 

Paper 3 

Paper 6 


Business Studies: 0450 option code AX

Paper 1 

Paper 2 


English: 0500 option code core: AR  higher: CR

Paper 1 or Paper 2 

Paper 3  


Environmental Management: 0680 option code X

Paper 1  

Paper 2 



Geography: 0460  option code BY

Paper 1 

Paper 2

Paper 4 


History: 0470  option code BY

Paper 1 

Paper 2 

Paper 4


Maths: 0580 option code core: AY higher:BY

Paper 1 or 2 

Paper 3 or 4 


Physics: 0625 option code core GX

Paper 1 

Paper 3 

Paper 6